Steve Buttry is Digital Transformation Editor for Digital First Media. He oversees efforts to transform newsroom operations and culture to more effectively pursue the company’s digital goals. In a journalism career of more than 40 years, Buttry has been an editor, reporter and writing coach for seven U.S. newspapers and was Director of Community Engagement for TBD.com and director of tailored programs for the American Press Institute. He was named Editor of the Year in 2010 by Editor & Publisher magazine for his work as editor of the Cedar Rapids Gazette. Buttry has pursued his journalism career in 44 states, nine Canadian provinces, Ireland, Venezuela, Mexico, Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, Siberia, France and Italy. He and his wife, Mimi Johnson, author of the journalism novel Gathering String, live in Herndon, Va. They have three grown sons and two granddaughters.