Eric Carvin is the social media editor at The Associated Press, where he directs social strategy throughout AP's global news operations. He oversees the use of social media to uncover breaking news, gather user-generated content, connect with readers and share AP content. He also guides AP's 2,000-plus journalists as they use social in the pursuit of news. Carvin, a 13-year AP veteran, has extensive experience with innovative storytelling. He ran Meltdown 101, an award-winning series that explained the economic crisis, as well as Ask AP, a column in which AP journalists answered readers’ questions about the news. He was the news editor of asap, an AP service that pursued innovative and multimedia approaches to news, and he edited "Far and Wide," AP's first news blog. At other points in his AP career, he has coordinated the AP report as a whole, edited national news copy and analyzed exit poll results.