Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, long-time journalist and leading writer and thinker on journalism, media business, digital strategy and the impact of the open web. Co-author Post Industrial Journalism: Adapting to the Present (2012) w. CW Anderson and Clay Shirky. Lead the Guardian's digital editorial expansion as both editor and board director 2001 - 2010, launched numerous sites and services including mediaguardian.co.uk , Comment Is Free, developed live blogging as key tool for journalism. Previously reporter, columnist and editor covering media, technology, business, policy and advertising. Writes and broadcasts for a number of outlets, including The Guardian, Columbia Journalism Review, The New Statesman, The New Republic, Democracy. Member of the Scott Trust, the ownership body for Guardian Media Group, CJR board of overseers, on the National Advisory Board for Poynter, digital advisory board member for Digital First Media. Married, 3 kids, exhausted.