ONA is launching an ongoing Ethics and Standards Initiative, led by AP’s Tom Kent. What should we focus on first in the coming months? UGC verification? Online corrections? The ethics of expunging items from online archives? Native advertising? How to write an ethics code? Panel members will suggest some general topics worth pursuing, then join with you in small groups to discuss your needs in more detail. The #ONA13ethics conversation continues Thursday afternoon and Friday at an ethics table on the Midway. International participants are especially welcome.
— This session will have recorded audio

Thomas Kent - Standards Editor, Associated Press
@tjrkent | http://www.ap.org

Edward Schumacher-Matos - Ombudsman, NPR
@schumachermatos | http://www.npr.org/blogs/ombudsman/

Alice Antheaume - Journalist and Associate Dean, Sciences Po School of Journalism
@alicanth | http://blog.slate.fr/labo-journalisme-sciences-po/

Emily J. Banks - Managing Editor, Mashable
@emjbanks | http://mashable.com

Shawn McIntosh - Deputy Managing Editor, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
@shawnmcintosh | http://MyAJC.com

Fergus Bell - Social Media & UGC Editor - International, Associated Press
@fergb | http://www.ap.org

Kelly McBride - Senior Faculty, Ethics Reporting & Writing, The Poynter Institute
@KellyMcB | http://www.Poynter.org