Benét is the eNewsletters/Social Media Editor for the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. She is also an aviation/travel freelance journalist, writing for publications including Aviation International News and the Airline Passenger Experience magazine. She also blogs at AviationQueen.com on aviation and travel topics.
She is chair of the National Association of Black Journalists Program Committee, which oversaw workshops for the 2012 convention in New Orleans and the 2013 convention in Orlando. She is also chair of NABJ’s Digital Journalism Task Force, which keeps members informed about the latest tools, trends and technology in the online space. She is the lead writer for DJTF’s NABJDigital blog, created and oversees the @NABJDigital Twitter account and oversees the task force’s Facebook page. She is a member of ONA’s Membership, Diversity and AP-Google Scholarship committees. She is also a member of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.
Benét has created and participated in workshops and webinars on digital journalism, branding and social media and speaks at journalism, new media and aviation conferences. A self-described “Air Force brat,” she has worked for two airlines and an aircraft engine manufacturer and is now working on her private pilot’s certificate.