ONA13 is sponsored by Mobile and Breaking News: New Challenges for News Information Visualizations
As news content moves from desktop to mobile devices and the expectations of real-time information increases, audiences are beginning to seek news visualizations for their on-the-go, fast-paced lives, viewing them on a variety of devices in a variety of contexts. This cross-discipline workshop will explore challenges and opportunities for presenting and interacting with visualizations on mobile devices and look at workflows for creating visualizations during breaking news.
This is a partnered day-long workshop with IEEE VisWeek 2013. Participants are encouraged to attend the other two sessions:
- Breaking News: Real-Time Takeaways From the Boston Marathon Bombing Coverage
- Hackathon: Mobile and Breaking News with Visweek

Sergio Goldenberg - Digital Media Researcher, Georgia Tech
@sgoldenberg | http://www.goldenbergmedia.com

Zach Pousman - Director of Digital Strategy, THINK Interactive
@thinky | http://www.thinkinc.com/blog

Nick Diakopoulos - Tow Fellow, Columbia University
@ndiakopoulos | http://www.nickdiakopoulos.com