The ONA Student Newsroom will offer multi-platform online daily coverage of ONA 2013 and dvd box set issues of interest to the online news industry — for both the ONA conference attendees and the broader off-site audience. Undergraduate and graduate ralph lauren outlet uk students are included in every aspect of the newsroom, from reporting and editing to production.
Twenty select students from colleges across the U.S. will produce content for ping g25 irons the ONA13 website before and during the conference under the personal guidance of professional mentors. Students will also get the chance to attend ONA13 programming led by experts in digital journalism, network with attendees and acquire and flex new digital media christian louboutin plats skills. Check out the student newsroom coverageĀ from ONA12.
Sixteen Student Newsroom mentors louis vuitton echarpe with digital skills will guide students before and during the conference, working one on one with them to help develop story ideas and advise veste abercrombie Femme coverage production.
Check out this year’s mentors and students (and their personal Twitter handles).
Interested in being a part of the Student Christian Louboutin sale uk Newsroom next year, either as a student or mentor? We’ll open up Louis Vuitton UK opportunities in early 2014.

Google’s contribution helps make lodging and travel possible for student participants.